I have followed this series for 2 years. So there will be a little bit of bias in this review but I will try to be as unbiased as possible. So let's start with the writing quality. The writing quality for this book has always been spectacular, a few slip up here and there but hardly ever noticeable, beautiful gramme and overall a nice and easy read. Story development: This is the 2nd book following New Life: Second Chance, so it is recommended that you read that first before you start this because a lot of the background information really stems from there. I would also encourage you read Courage to Love because it just a bit more information on some of the side characters however if you don't won't to it is fine, it won't stunt the quality of the book. The world is based in a fantasy contemporary setting, which I really enjoy and it just allows the book to flow really well. It starts of a little slow but once you get into the book trust that everything is for a reason and they all tie in together really nicely. Character design: the character design is really fun. The characters are really diverse and fun. Everyone is different in their own little way which I think is a fun representation of actual contemporary life. We have lgbtq+ characters, religious characters, plus size characters, a couple with a little bit of an age difference,which are all played with in the 1st book but that just adds to the world building and the overall understanding of the people illustrated by our dear author, so again highly recommend you read the previous book before you read this. This book however, focuses on the kids from the previous book and although I am writing as the book hasn't progressed quite far the children in this all have very differing, clear and entertaining personalities. So overall really great character designs. Update status: Our author updates at a constant rate, we do get mass releases but only on special occasions. However there are time when author might not post, but we are told before that happens so we aren't waiting aimlessly for the day. World Background: Our world background is heavily reliant on the first book so again I will have to stress IT IS BETTER TO READ THE FIRST BOOK BECAUSE THAT WILL ALREADY HAVE THE NITTY GRITTY OF THE BACKGROUND. Do not complain when you do not understand what is going on with the characters in this book, you have been warned. It is set in contemporary times, so it doesn't feel too much like a fantasy setting as the fantasy only play a background role to the world background as the fantasy aspect is usually only for a "select" amount of people but the rest of the world goes on as usual. All in all this is a fantastic book and I cannot stress, what a wonderful writer the author is. ALSO READ THE FIRST BOOK. PLEASEEE thank you for coming to my Ted talk.πππ (I didn't go into too detail as the book is just starting and there only limited things to spoil so)
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