I love this transmigration plots, and this one is certainly one of the most exciting ones. The fact that she was originally fat and ugly (not hidden under ugly make-up but due to poison) makes the transition to improve even better. The insecurities are real and seeing her working hard to overcome them and rise up is great. Some may be put off by the r*pe in the beginning, but pls carry on. Nothing is pure black and white, and though r*pe is bad, his reasons are understandable. Mind you, doesn't make it right, but you can understand his pain and loss of rationale for a while. He is human, she is, too. They are both flawed in some sense and that is what makes this novel so captivating. I hope this novel gets picked. It is a gem and I reached the end before realising it. It was THAT good.
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LIKENever said it was right. Just saying people are human and make mistakes (some, very bad). To understand means to see the bigger pircture and not condemn the person completely that he, or she, becomes beyond hope. That is also why we have jail - you do the crime, you do the time and after that, redeem yourself and carry on. Give them that chance, but you never will if you're blinded by labeling everything black and white.
Ankhii:rape should never be justified.e*** dude