
Review Detail of Requiem_Phantom in Super Godly Machine Army

Review detail


Honestly i was very interested in it at first because i like the general concept but the MC ruins it all. The author does not know how to right a good MC, this MC is literally someone that came from Earth and immediately starts just killing anyone who so much as disagrees with him. The MC is also a greedy bastard who does not know how to be a good leader and doesnt even try to be, just taking everything his new subordinates own and telling then they have to hand everything the earn at yue end of the month over, and threatens to kill then if they dont. Also no interesting side characters since they are all one dimensional characters who are either simply, enemy’s, traitors, yes-man subordinates, or random nobody’s. The so called “mechs” which are actually androids are more interesting and they also single minded things that can only follow orders. Not worth reading unless you literally have nothing else. Honestly dont know why the author wrote this kind of book when he pretty much doesn’t know what mechs are or anything about leadership. Well main character is also terrible so theres that too.


Super Godly Machine Army

Lu Qiu

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