
Review Detail of 1996611q in Extraordinary Voyage

Review detail


Lost interest in it pretty fast due to not understanding whats going on. I suspect it’s due to poor translation as i spoted strange terms like fungi soup. There’s also characters from One Piece like Sanji and Zoro which immidiately lowered my evation of this novel. There’s also the fact I’m don’t like the cheat or how the MC’s cheat is presented. So he has a fitbit thingymabob that is said to be from modern times yet it can transmit signals directly into people’s eyes... not to mention people’s stats are displayed in gaming terms numbers. You know I was expecting the strength stat to be devided into Maximum arm strength (which should be desplayed in how many pounds of force he can generate) leg strength and so on. If he did have a cheat that can analysise people’s strength I would have expected it to be displayed like that. Also how does he his fitbit recognises what type of martial arts people learned? Saying that I did tried to give this novel a chance but it’s just not grabbing on to me


Extraordinary Voyage

North Sea Whale Shepherd

Liked it!




Fungi in this context is mushrooms. As in pasta al-fungi.