
Review Detail of LITTLEBIRDSLIVES in Purgatory

Review detail


Overall I do not know why there are wolves in this novel, I didn't click on this novel just to be met with wolves and stuff. Also what does LGBT mean? Is it some type of porridge? In my opinion, some people should read this novel. And some people should not. Ok, author. Have fun. Do not keep birds as pets, that is mean. And UNSIGHTLY.



Liked by 3 people




so, yeah, a porridge of sensitive subjects.

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It has a wilf because if you read closly you see words like deta and packs hinting at the fact that they might be wilfs or werewolfs


Sorry i means wilfs not wilfs

LunaTheWolfdragon:It has a wilf because if you read closly you see words like deta and packs hinting at the fact that they might be wilfs or werewolfs

Okay you get what i mean i meants WOLFS not wilfs

LunaTheWolfdragon:Sorry i means wilfs not wilfs

how is it mean and "unsightly" to have a pet bird? there's nothing wrong with it.


Yes there is. Do you know that most people don't know how to keep birds as pets because a good number of popular options are in fact, not domesticated. An average parrot goes through five homes, and dies in a cage. Their shrieks are loud, and they aren't able to as easily pick up words as main stream media makes it seem. They bite and scratch, and they're messy. Raising a bird isn't easy. Btw: this review wasn't serious...

kitoon_unofficial:how is it mean and "unsightly" to have a pet bird? there's nothing wrong with it.

oh yeah! There's a Wolf on the cover too! I thought it was a big dog.

LunaTheWolfdragon:It has a wilf because if you read closly you see words like deta and packs hinting at the fact that they might be wilfs or werewolfs

yes they're messy, but it can easily be cleaned up. most bird owners SPECIFICALLY say that you have to say a word multiple times for the bird to learn. sure they bite, but they have to get used to you. yes they're loud, but you will eventually get used to it. if you don't like having a bird as a pet, then that's fine.

LITTLEBIRDSLIVES:Yes there is. Do you know that most people don't know how to keep birds as pets because a good number of popular options are in fact, not domesticated. An average parrot goes through five homes, and dies in a cage. Their shrieks are loud, and they aren't able to as easily pick up words as main stream media makes it seem. They bite and scratch, and they're messy. Raising a bird isn't easy. Btw: this review wasn't serious...

I think you missed the part where I said this review wasn't serious. Generally speaking though, birds are hard animals to take care of, so people should not be simply buying them because they think it's easy. You also said a bunch of generalizations. See this, for the actual statistics. https://the-oasis.org/the-need-for-rescue-and-sanctuary-in-the-21st-century/

kitoon_unofficial:yes they're messy, but it can easily be cleaned up. most bird owners SPECIFICALLY say that you have to say a word multiple times for the bird to learn. sure they bite, but they have to get used to you. yes they're loud, but you will eventually get used to it. if you don't like having a bird as a pet, then that's fine.