
Review Detail of Unb_Ekannt in Fey Evolution Merchant

Review detail


Made it to chapter 2768 - oh boy...... The mc is basically somewhere between a psycho- and sociopath with ADHS, control issues and has a hobby as fulltime min-maxing internet-warrior that talks more about great stats than getting into real fights. He has to control everyone and everything. Countless characters get added, but they have no real depth/character or purpose- other then serving the mc. Even his two best "friends" are his servants and were not trusted till he had control over their lifes and deaths. None of the characters are treated as equals. The mc is constantly using, abusing, threatening people to get what he wants- even torture, violence and genocide is fine- but somehow he is a glorious hero admired by all. Really ??? After almost 3000 chapters there is no character-development at all. New characters constantly pop up and vanish as fast- after submitting to the mc ofc. Enemies get hyped up for how strong they are- just to get easily defeated by the mc. The mc is constantly op. The evil secret organization and big enemy in the shadow that is topic over thousands of chapters and supposed to be incredible powerful- all powerful figures basically get killed at once by the mc. The big evil plan that is supposed to doom the world for thousands of years gets stopped in days.... It is beyond silly... If "problems" pop up, they get solved a few pages later. Whatever the mc needs- he finds a few pages later. If the mc would need a nuclear weapon- he would find one at the marketplace as free giveaway..... There isn´t much story to speak of. Most of the novel consists of the mc building stuff and taking control of people - even if there is no point to it. No red line at all, constantly jumping from one thing to the next for no reason- like ADHS. The mc has seemingly no no goals- other than controlling everything for no reason. The chapters are filled with copy-paste infos about abilities and leveling up- even though there are almost no real battles- and if there are the mc always dominates with some new op feys, abilities etc. he just gained (surprise surprise), so 90% of the feys and abilities don´t get used... Hundreds of pages contain repetitive pointless explanations that add absolut nothing to the story-telling. On the other hand, the special abilities or history isn´t topic at all. He is a transmigrator, has 2 souls, a fey that is stronger than everyone else and a body and abilities that noone else has- no explanation needed, not need for the mc to find out about it.... There are countless transmigration-novels out there, but this handling of the topic is the worst I have seen so far. Why include transmigration in the novel at all if it isn´t supposed to be topic ??? the mc could just have been born with 2 souls... Even the consistency and logic is lacking. Example1: The mc takes over the Great Lush Federation. He is using violence to implement his own king, everyone not accepting this gets threatened/killed. The king is supposed to develop freely without much interference from the mc (because he is the good guy, right ;) ). This kingdom fully depends on overland-trade. The mc takes full control of it and gives the kingdom instead a harbor for international trading (without trading or ships going on at that point. so how do people survive ?). 2-3 years later, after the king invested lots of the countries resources into the enlargement of the harbor the mc is suddenly not ok with that country having 100% control of that harbor- even though it is on their territory and their only income left. The king gets threatened with death, loses 70% of the harbor and still sees the mc as benevolent character and hero and is happy... It is beyond stupid. Example2: peace is a homeless child that gets nurtured to rule a territory (for the mc ofc). Her wish is to find water and help herself and her people in a desert. She gets gets only feys to serve that exact purpose- water-production. But when she follows that way she gets dropped because she has no ambitions in other worlds.... She also suddenly sees homeless people as untrustworthy and dangerous - even though she was homeless for most of her life. There are countless more examples. Things are not thought through. Even names and numbers don´t add up. The mc is for example 18 years old, then 19, then 18 again, jumping back to 19 and 3 years later he is 21... Names of characters and factions get mixed up, explanations often make no sense and numbers get thrown around. For example: The war with the Iron Hammer federation. 10 million soldiers get captured by the mc, by himself ofc, then get turned from POWs to 1 billion inhabitants of the newly build city- with no wish to return. The Iron Hammer kingdom mobilized most of its people for the war, so should be pretty empty - but runs smoothly nontheless. The city has suddenly billions of residents- out of nowhere.... Trees grow 50.000 meters and animals are 20+ km big. Numbers just get thrown around and numbers mentioned before constantly change for no reason... [summa summarum: I really can not recommend this novel and do not understand how people can rate this highly... There are countless things you could use for rating a novel - but this one isn´t good in any aspect. The author seemingly doesn´t care about the quality and only cares about the quantity of pages- which doesn´t make a novel good

Fey Evolution Merchant

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