
Review Detail of Littlepunnie in When Alpha created Omega

Review detail


Let's start ; •I can easily discern the names of the characters. I love how you named them and their characteristics eg personalities especially the lead. I thought she was a male, and with that thought, I was about to put off the novel since I do not like to read ML novels, but at second thought, the novel itself is very good, so even if it has a Male lead [ which I thought at first read ] makes me read it although out continuously. Editing is needed [ everybody needs that ] but all in all, your novel will work well in the market, especially fantasy genre. The way you've describe what happen, setting etc. is really good too, [ but sometimes I got bored in reading too longgg something like that, but don't take it too heart. The problem is -me ] I must say this novel is a must read. (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤


When Alpha created Omega


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Grammer is my weak point. I hope to become better with editing as I keep writing. Thank you so much for your honest review. I love constructive criticism.