
Review Detail of DarkDaoist in In Naruto: Reborn with Talent

Review detail


the author trivializes the knowledge of shinobi and make them seem like kindergarteners when it comes to math and sciences. just because there's no outright chapters on it doesn't mean they are scientifically backwards. In fact for a warring ninja society they are very scientifically advanced, their chunin exam contains cryptography, advanced algebra and trigonometry questions. we know they have are very advanced in biological field with the ability to experiment on cellular structure and DNA. we know they have television, radio, wireless receivers, batteries, camera, networking and signaling to conference call daimyo's, video cassette recorder, VHS tape, satellite antenna, old gen computers for cryptanalysis, electronic health monitoring devices. after the world peace is achieved their technology level booms to modern standards within a decade which wouldn't be possible without sufficient technology background. after peace the restricted knowledge is shared with common people and there is lot of financing just because author is unable to understand this he makes fuinjutsu into cheatcode where you write a bunch of English words and a seal is magically created and to make things happen. The description of the novel says there are no instant-OP powers but gives them even unlimited OP powers. no matter what the problem is just write a cheatcode on paper and done the issue is resolved. It would've been lot better if you simply just gave them some OP powers atleast then we would know the limits but now there are none.


In Naruto: Reborn with Talent


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