
Review Detail of Ana_Teodora_Popa in Tongues of Fire

Review detail


I loved it! This book was such a journey. Its story and ending brought me hope, it's relatable and sweet. It keeps your curiosity peaked in both the science part of the discovery and the subtle romantic tension that grows throughout the book. You'd rarely find such a great novel these days, I recommend.

Tongues of Fire

Sebastian Badarau

Liked by 3 people




So, this is an Advertisement post for an already fully written novel being sold elsewhere? Google really showed me a large array of books with this title, from religious to romance. Didn't find this one with this title.


Yup. To answer my own question, it's on amazon and only has 2 reviews, one 3 star and 1 4 star. The synopsis there makes it seem like Horror. I don't enjoy Horror or reading about people that are Doomed from the start.

MikeN:So, this is an Advertisement post for an already fully written novel being sold elsewhere? Google really showed me a large array of books with this title, from religious to romance. Didn't find this one with this title.

I don't like horror either, in any art form. I can assure you this novel is not horror at all, it's romance sci-fi and a tender, relatable story. Yeah, it's available on Amazon but didn't get much traction there. Here it can be read for free up to about half I think.

MikeN:Yup. To answer my own question, it's on amazon and only has 2 reviews, one 3 star and 1 4 star. The synopsis there makes it seem like Horror. I don't enjoy Horror or reading about people that are Doomed from the start.

I bet the bad synopsis is why it isn't getting traction there then...First Impressions and all are important.

Ana_Teodora_Popa:I don't like horror either, in any art form. I can assure you this novel is not horror at all, it's romance sci-fi and a tender, relatable story. Yeah, it's available on Amazon but didn't get much traction there. Here it can be read for free up to about half I think.