
Review Detail of bloo in One Piece - My name is Bonez, Daz Bonez

Review detail


A lot of high star reviews got me to check this one out, and while it's better than a lot of junk on here I didn't enjoy it much at all. First the technical writing is good. That's pretty much crucial in my opinion for every book. So A+ there. Everything else.... Not so much. Here's what I think the story should've been titled "A child trains, the book". 75% of this story is training. It's cool at first but jeez the pacing is not good at all. I got really bored. There should've been a time skip. MC? He's fine. Side characters? They're pretty neat too. The author isn't just following canon characters around. He's using his creativity. I like that. It's just, all he's doing is training. Nothing fun is happening. I suggest holding out until there's like 100~ chapters. Maybe then it'll get to the good part.


One Piece - My name is Bonez, Daz Bonez


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