
Review Detail of CultivatingReader in My Marvel Reincarnation.

Review detail


I read up to two chapters before stopping. This story is just...BAD. The MC's last wish is to make it were karma is super duper important to the point where if anyone does something that hurts someone else they get punished by karma. I'm not saying this is a bad thing in the real world, but it makes a story boring when the entire world no matter what will always have a happy ending and if you do good good things happen? Nah bruh, that ain't how life works sometimes life chews you and spits you out this is pretty much a crak fic about ultra powerful guy in a world were 9nly good things can happen. I hope I didn't off to much of a as$, but just wanted to give an honest opinion.


My Marvel Reincarnation.


Liked by 37 people




Im pretty sure the karma was for his old world, but i could be wrong.


That wish doesn’t even matter for the new world. I think you just misread the text.


Mc's last wish is very complicated. Like first you have to quantify the value of life meaning which life values how much. If a person kills an animal should he be killed because the animal's life is the same value as a person life or if it is not then why not? Same thing for every ecosystem and Food web the worlds will be destroyed if there is a thing called karma for every deed you do. If God gave us free will and made the world like that then he must have thought something or was he an idiot who did it only after the Mc asked for such a wish


Yup on the moral side what he did is basically cripled a whole world omho. Its only a matter of time until people realise that, theres a direct link betwen beying good and luck?fron there on people will lose the true goodness of heart. Someone once said "a man is not good because he was born good, a man is good despite everything that could have broken him. He survives and still does good against his own nature." Its like yin and yang. That omho is just a sidenote on this history tho soo it does not matters.

Berserk_Asura:Mc's last wish is very complicated. Like first you have to quantify the value of life meaning which life values how much. If a person kills an animal should he be killed because the animal's life is the same value as a person life or if it is not then why not? Same thing for every ecosystem and Food web the worlds will be destroyed if there is a thing called karma for every deed you do. If God gave us free will and made the world like that then he must have thought something or was he an idiot who did it only after the Mc asked for such a wish

Wow that wouldn’t work at all. For multiple reasons. Plus his karma would be shìt since he is forcing his will on others. Plus the living tribunal would not be happy with something that fùcks with balance that much.


You didn't give an honest opinion. You either misunderstood, skimmed through, or you outright lied. The MC's last wish only affected his previous world. He literally made it a paradise for it's inhabitants. Sadly, you would have realized your mistake if you'd only kept reading. And as you only read two chapters, you are unfit to tell us anything about the story, let alone whether it's good or bad.