
Review Detail of PersonMcpeopleface in The Epic Adventures of Maou and Shelly

Review detail


Haven't read far enough to give more than a first impression, but here we go. The start of the story is inspired by Goblin Slayer, the author says it in the Author Notes of the first chapter, however it lacks the guttural realism of Goblin Slayer and I feel the story would've been better the author dug deeper into Goblin Slayer's world building and D&D which inspired Goblin Slayer instead of borrowing what's just on the surface. My recommendation is watching Wisecrack's video on Goblin Slayer and to find out more about Dungeons and Dragons. Might make another review when I read a bit further if I feel this one is inaccurate.

The Epic Adventures of Maou and Shelly


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Thank you for your review.😊 Please don't stop reading, there is so much more I want to show you👍