
Review Detail of WaitWhoWhat in I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Review detail


The story itself isn't bad but there seems to be a lot of forced interactions with the different characters that makes the story feel rigid. The MC "forgetting" that people are around when using his "secret" abilities is another problem with the story. Its really unfortunate because it kept me from truly getting attached to any characters since all interactions seemed out of place. An easy example is Connor the person he met during a raid that he "accidentally" showed his repair function to. Somehow Connor didn't even react and MC trusted that he wouldn't reveal his secrets and continued to reveal more of what he could do. The way he reacts to things just doesn't make much sense and it's rough having a dumb MC sometimes. There are also some inconsistencies early on with levels and the stats he gets per level but thats not as important if youre not looking to immerse yourself in the story. I will continue to read the story but as of now these are some pretty bad flaws.


I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100


Liked by 5 people




I read a bit further and found more forced mood swing/sappy scenes but the MC got a little less dumb for now so that's a plus.