
Review Detail of Yrmynoodlescold in Nimble

Review detail


The stories are incredibly unique! I like it, it's like a collection of concepts for stories! Personally, I think they are all really nice stories. My main issues are with the length of chapters. Sure they are meant to be short. But maybe if they were like five chapters for a story. I think it would be even more satisfying to read. But I really like the chapter lengths, it doesn't take too long to get to the next chapter and it is very clearly structured. But due to having only 1000 word limit, you can't really add the detail and it's pretty challenging to do all that. But on the other hand, I am impressed with your creativity. The stories would be nice if the reader could have a bit more information on the characters. And maybe a thought process in the author's thoughts box so that we can understand your plans and initial plan for the chapter.




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Thank you very much for your review. I appreciate the comments and points you made. Indeed, the challenge is to make each chapter with a structured story under 1000 words. I agree fully that it's best that the characters are given more information about them. Using this information from your review, I will do what I can to make the characters more fleshed out despite the word limit, and also make use of the author's thoughts' box in the future.


Thank you for your review. Appreciate it.