Its alright, but not great. The translation is good, and there are no problems in the grammar. However, one of the characters in the book is Kobe Bryant, who is portrayed very differently to how i imagined him to be, and more like what a chinese author would think him to be. Slightly unrealistic in some of the world building aspects, and about 8 chapters and 2 months in, i srill dont know the names of the MCs family, or anything about the MCs family. 6.2 out of 10
Liked by 2 people
LIKEAlso, the fact that it is set in the US, is a bit of a bummer, because the author has no idea how americans interact. There aint any of this hardass, lamesss jokes, and in general is awkward as ****. Like ppl dont go crazy and start shouting how good he is after someone has a good workout in bball, they just hype them up and a few pats on the back.