
Review Detail of Samizz in Overlord: The Origin

Review detail


the chapter title reaaaaallly threw me off!!! i started searching for ch 1 but got ch85 so i thought it was a mismatch so i didnt read at first. but i got bored and tried to read it by searching for ch 1 but found prologue which left me in the middle of nowhere. then i reach from ch85 which was the real ch 1 and my face at that moment was this😒 like bruh!! why the hell would anyone do that???!! then as i continued reading i realized that the author was a complete jackass. the story was nice though i loved it and want more but seriously stop trolling the readers. Also what happened to the initial 5 wishes?? is it gonna be revealed later or did he jus ask for money?? why didnt he just ask for unlimited money then he would have no problem. It is nice that his abilities fit the world but asking for those wishes only served as a nerfing.the chapters are too short and i hope you can update faster :)


Overlord: The Origin


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