
Review Detail of GloriouslyFamous in Infinite Gameplay

Review detail


It is a great systems novel! There is only 5 chapter so far and it is created very well. The story is enjoyable, and the introduction is done effectively. The world created seems very diverse and rich. The author definitely has done his/her research making the world seem very much like, and RPG game, but there are other elements, which are new and not seen before making the world unique. The writing quality and grammar are decent, some minor mistakes that can easily be solved after a reread. The MC is described well and you already get a feel of him in the first 5 chapters. I am sure we will learn more about him as the story progresses. Well done! I will continue reading this enjoyable story.


Infinite Gameplay


Liked by 2 people




Well thank you! I'll try to write more for the readers to read. It's my first time writing a transmigrating genre novel especially when the setting is in a game like world. I did my own math and tried to create a realistic and fair computations of stats and damage dealed. I don't want any plot armor and unfair damage scaling. I'm sorry if the readers find the MC quite hard to liked. To tell you the truth this is how a normal teenager will react in this scenario even though he read some novels regarding reincarnation. He needs to adapt more in this world which will take a lot of time. No human being can adapt to a new unknown world fast. He can't also change how his thinking work fast. New cultures and traditions are hard to grasp. So bare with me till the end and I'll promise you'll fall in love in this novel without even knowing it hahaha.


Sorry, I was typing it with mobile and had made my point about the MC unclear because of auto-correct (I meant we instead of you in that sentence). I have corrected it and re-uploaded my review. I like the MC he is well designed, and he is reacting perfectly in the world. His careful analysis of the world is a strong point along with not picking up random fights that he cannot win.