
Review Detail of Farhenheit in Supremacy Games

Review detail


I would definitely say this novel is a gem. Honestly the world building is really good. And the way the novel describe the world building is not too lenghty yet the information dump is good enough for the readers to understand and imagine the way the world works. Honestly the thing that hooked me is definitely the huge potential in how the world building works and the good and fluid writing style. The only thing that is 'okay' for the moment is the lack of interesting characters. But honestly im okay with basic characters if the world and plot itself is interesting. I would rather have basic characters than really stupid and dumb character from most of the webnovels i read which annoys the shit out of me. Anyway thats all, give it a try if you are reading this to get a feel of someone who have read till chapter 57 at the point of writing this. I can say the novel is top quality for now. (Fingers crossed it will keep that same quality)


Supremacy Games


Liked by 10 people




Thank you for your honest review! I hope I can live up to your high expectations! Finger crossed as well! (*^U^)人(≧V≦*)/