
Review Detail of Harvald in De Luna

Review detail


Can't say much about the story so all 3 Stars as I didn't get past the first chapter. What i can say is 1 Star for quality. This story sadly reads like mtl. Props for lengthy chapters and no word count chapter, but I can't enjoy reading this. I'd suggest grammarly and maybe brushing up on english a bit. I don't need or expect perfect quality in a fanfic, but it should at least be readable without correcting sentences in my head to read. Still i wish the Author all the best and thanks for sharing your story.

De Luna


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This is great quality for a fanfic on we novel so I don't know what your on about especially about not being able to read it if that's the case you can't read in the first place


I don't know what your smoking but already in the first few paragraphs the author is changing tenses inside the sentences, missing conjunctions and using words that are inappropriate in their context. I didn't say I couldn't read it. I said I couldn't enjoy reading a story, where I have to always correct a sentence in my head to get it to make sense. And it is worse than mtl in the way that mtl often has the same recurring type of errors, which lets me auto-adjust them in my head at some point if I bother to even read mtl. In this story the errors are different and mixed up, which doesn't help me with auto-adjusting and just annoys me. You have my deepest sympathies if this is your definition of good english.

DaoistSoulDive:This is great quality for a fanfic on we novel so I don't know what your on about especially about not being able to read it if that's the case you can't read in the first place

But I'm saying that on webnovel this is probably the best quality you are going to get

Harvald:I don't know what your smoking but already in the first few paragraphs the author is changing tenses inside the sentences, missing conjunctions and using words that are inappropriate in their context. I didn't say I couldn't read it. I said I couldn't enjoy reading a story, where I have to always correct a sentence in my head to get it to make sense. And it is worse than mtl in the way that mtl often has the same recurring type of errors, which lets me auto-adjust them in my head at some point if I bother to even read mtl. In this story the errors are different and mixed up, which doesn't help me with auto-adjusting and just annoys me. You have my deepest sympathies if this is your definition of good english.

I said in the beginning that English is not my mother language and this is fanfiction that I write for fun, so of course I would have mistakes and I'm still trying to learn but thank you for your honest review.


Well, I wanted to warn other people what to expect and a bit to inform you about my displeasure with the grammar. On the other hand, I neither wanted to review bomb your story nor give all 5 Stars except Quality without having read enough of your work to give an opinion so I settled for 3 Stars and left for some other story. This was in no way meant to disrespect your work merely to leave information for further readers from my subjective perspective behind. And everyone can live or enjoy a story with different degrees of quality.

emmalmanny:I said in the beginning that English is not my mother language and this is fanfiction that I write for fun, so of course I would have mistakes and I'm still trying to learn but thank you for your honest review.

Fanfic not novel, for most fanfics on webnovel the quality is trash and most authors don't know what grammar is. Now since I'm in highschool I'm not good with grammar so I can't tell what is a mistake and what is not most of the time but if your looking for perfect grammar in fanfics you ain't going to find them.

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Saying this is pretty rude to other readers. I’m also not good with english and even I can see the grammar mistakes but, imo, it’s getting better and the story itself is good when you look at the rest of the stories. It’s rare to find a famale MC and she is certainly an interesting character. The plot is still following the cannon but unlike most of the MC’s out there (the ones that doesn’t do much to change anything) this one makes changes that feels alive Grammar can fixed if the author gets better or find someone to help but i think the story is more important and this one is better than most

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