
Review Detail of eccentricbeing18 in In DC Universe with my Wishes (Rewriting in the process)

Review detail


Yeah, dunno about you but I read novels to entertain myself, not to depress myself with self centered people who can't even notice his mom has a sickness. There a lot of glaringly obvious signs hays... And dude, are you a masochist or something?? Emo?? Seriously?? Is this what's entertaining to you? Cause I don't know if anyone noticed but his overly shitty background was not even necessary in the story. Then he wasted his wishes on stupid wishes that looks cool but has a lot of limitations. He happily made them but he could've wished that he is born in a peaceful universe where no god could take control of anything. Or that his mother's next life after her current one would still be his mother or his daughter. He could've wished reality bending powers but he ****ed up by wishing almost of it into his body. sunpower for his body (powerful, yes but anyone could easily fuxk you up because they could easily just suck your soul) eye powers for his eyes zenkai boost for his body immortality tied to his body (cause ban almost died when his soul was sucked out of him in nanatsu) the system was the only useful thing. he could've wished for his ex happiness. he could've wished for the god's son death. he could've wished that no god could interfere with any mortal again. Fuxk!! even the gift about no one could control him or anything was even sketchy, if he could grant you something he could easily take it as well. and why the fuxk would he believe that god's metaphorical son was the one who did it, for all we know, he was the one who did it. fuxking naive self centered pussy! Lastly, he could've wished for god to fix his past into a happy and peaceful one. overcomplicated unnecessary backstory that is full og plotholes hays... this just depressing and annoying. I've dreadfully read 5 chapters but the story is ruined by plotholes, the mc is pathetically self centered, even the wishes are a big waste. ugh.. .hays... masochists would love your novel


In DC Universe with my Wishes (Rewriting in the process)


Liked by 7 people




Well thanks for the ratings atleast. But I just wanted to ask you a question. If an ant confronts you and demands to kill your son/family because your son/family destroyed their colony, would you agree? Just find it funny😂. But well, thanks neverthless.


if the ants are sentient and have feelings? yes!

FanfictionLover:Well thanks for the ratings atleast. But I just wanted to ask you a question. If an ant confronts you and demands to kill your son/family because your son/family destroyed their colony, would you agree? Just find it funny😂. But well, thanks neverthless.

Sacrifice your son/family for a sentient ant?😂

ferferfer2:if the ants are sentient and have feelings? yes!

90% sure wishes would have some sort of limitation.


if they slaughtered several other sentient beeings with no remorse? yes!

FanfictionLover:Sacrifice your son/family for a sentient ant?😂

hey dickbag, let me ask you this as well. If your son loves doing that to those weaker than him, what happens when he becomes stronger than you?? You'll just be another ant licking his ass for some mercy while he's pissing on your misery

FanfictionLover:Well thanks for the ratings atleast. But I just wanted to ask you a question. If an ant confronts you and demands to kill your son/family because your son/family destroyed their colony, would you agree? Just find it funny😂. But well, thanks neverthless.

Well let me say this to you dick-head. Not everything you read in fictions are real, be realistic and use logic that are commonly used in our world ok? Don't be stuck in the realms of fictions and simply think that it's normal. I'm actually saving you're future family here, can't let them having such a child who would rather think of killing his own family over some ants thinking that his family might do it to him because he read various fictions that has that plot. Before you insult me, make sure to talk to some psychiatrist or something as you obviously have some rather serious brain problems.

eccentricbeing18:hey dickbag, let me ask you this as well. If your son loves doing that to those weaker than him, what happens when he becomes stronger than you?? You'll just be another ant licking his ass for some mercy while he's pissing on your misery

Ooh, did I hit the spot? Does it sting? Does it remind you of someone? Maybe yourself? Hahahaha! My future family?? Assholes who likes to bully someone weaker than them compensates for their shitty self esteem or self worth, maybe like you? You're probably the kind of guy who steps on someone, and when the moment someone steps on you, you blame everyone else. Fiction or not, it came from your mind. And the moment you justified those ideals, is the moment you showed how you view everything. All does ideas, all does contempt, they embody you. That's who you are. A little bitch.