2020-10-09 19:44

This is a review for people who, like me, are either looking for a strory with specific aspects or absence of certain triggers. This is not a bad story and the writing is fine, but I was unable to enjoy it and it all boils down to the Main Character. - The way she's written doesn't match her premise. She's supposed to be an empress of one of the two most prominent states of her time which is a position that commands a certain way if conduct - overbearing, detached, ruthless and many other qualities that no single leader in existence can avoid however sad it might be. But she constantly acts confused and lost like a common but overpowered **** which leads to her behaviour being reactive rather than proactive and its not how such high tier leaders act. - Unstable performance. One scene she's beating a dragon to the ground then regenerating him back with a wave of a hand, but the next moment she totally losts her cool to the bunch of guys with guns and can't treat a bullet wound. It's not just a problem of combat prowess but also her knowledge: she knows how cellular regeneration works but is confused by simple impact of a high speed projectile. - "Self hurting overpowered cheat" - this overused and outdated plot device is what really turned me away. She has that poorly explained prismatic magic that is supposed to be really strong but using it is hurting her long term. It's a matter of preference, but I've suffered thought enough One Piece type stories and developed an extreme aversion to this particular trope - thus the warning.

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Thank you for giving this a read and a review at that, I really appreciate it as you are one insightful reader and I'd like to get to know you more but allow me to place some few pointers (may contain spoilers) but I hope this will elucidate things further. . . . . . Anasthasia, even from the earlier chapters, she had shown glimpse on how important her subordinates and she truly cared about her people. She even had the monologue on how things went south and her thoughts about it. I'm not saying she doesn't have those traits aforementioned (but I'm not telling them). There are high tiered leaders especially how they performed some worldwide/national problems up to date that's noteworthy. Even in COVID, you can see who rose and shone in the news. (Eyeing on Mrs. NZ prime minister and the like). She's more of the other side of the spectrum, as you can see, in contrast to what the leaders have shown here with the rest of the novel. She's the diplomat and pacifist type (I did mention in the chapter how she missed some heaps of appear work load and other types of work as such a leader) and just because this kind of approach is one of the minorities doesn't mean it's non-existent. There was in the chapter 3-4 where she mentioned how she could have ended the other party but she chose not to as war doesn't bring any positive outcome. Let's be real, wars have great aftermaths and something she doesn't want. This part, confused and the like, it's perhaps how the times have changed. 100,000 is a WHOLE lot of changes, this doesn't limit to the physical worldbuilding but also the cultural/socioeconomic/status quo of the different places therein. Human development changes exponentially... those numbers speak a lot of volume. Hers could either deemed NEGLIGIBLE or so she thought as she delves deeper to the couple of era leaps she is in now. What she needed was information, she lacked from it. That's so similar to science ''What your science learned today won't be the science of tomorrow." And that can also be said the same for information/event/places and whatnot. I hope it wasn't much explicit on how the starting chapters weaved as to where the problem boiled down that it wasn't even on her grasp. I also did take note on the question you commented on the paragraph and I was giving some insights and stuff. :D :D But is not only that. I'm pretty sure there's just more than what it meets the eye. She did beat a dragon but it's more than just hand waving (I placed some clues) but if you think it is that's alright. Take note, this part chapter 7, she still has her prismatic power, her main power. For the next part, she didn't lose her cool just because of that some shot. The first half was manageable for her as she slain them from afar, the next problem was the latter half due to the fact she couldn't detect them and if she was reckless enough then till do more harm than good ... most especially she needed these people for her source of information. (chapter 13-16) and I can tell you she can just heal Michael; however, when she tried to do so, it was null. Her powers weren't working. . Thus she expended more energy to sift through the ground, gather the metal, and mold to a near basic surgical tools. She initiated to do the surgery as she can do it without magic as well as a make-shift anaesthesia but Levi took the offer to do it himself. (Everything amidst fighting) which she took the chance as the enemies were still around. Around chapter 20: She was mortified as how the cursed went back after all those years (oops, millennia) had passed. She had overcome this already (as you can see the snippets and excerpts on the pasage of chapter 20-22 but I think 21); she knew the price she would pay. She's been there done that and it derailed her so she limited her main power, which can only focus on the other two sources. (Which is explicitly showed throughout the chapters) . WAIT LEMME WRITE ANOTHER COMMENT CANT WRITE MORE HAHAHA


Hello hello! Allow me to continue writing as I am happy to learn from you and at the same time share what I know as an avid reader of this. I do hope my point gets across to other readers as well. It's not that it's self hurt. (How I wish I can splurge it but as a reader who is on Anasthasia's POV) she ought to be careful from now on, which she needed to limit it or not use if possible. Her powers, even before, she could use them freely (See chapter 3) was there consequences or aftereffects biting backlash spell?. But, ``This damned curse``. oh well... moving along. She's really overpowered to begin with (well in this novel) and itll be a bummer if i go back to her history how she grew up and earned everything when its not the scope of this. What would be the point of splurging out those flashback if my readers aren't much invested on my character. What's important is the ''NOW''. She's trying to look for answers and goodness around chapter 30-40 she got clue, WHICH she was shock from the information she got but she got some basis from there, or so she thought. esp on the latest chapters. I hope you look forward to this but ugh, hurting to be strong isn't my gig. Perhaps it's because of the flashback Edward had shown regarding her power would cost something? But what? which aspect would that be? and what do you think ``When`` was it? Was it when she didnt break free from the curse or not? Then again, thank you so much for reading. I hope to get to know you, once again, in near future. Much much much love <3


Thank you for taking time to get your points across. Some things, like phycology of leadership, are inherently and infinitely debatable and it's tottaly fine for writers to build their worlds and characters upon what they feel is or should be legitimate - so all the power to you! I found your writing very fast paced and emotionally charged - which is a good thing, especially when some web novels resemble a game log more than a novel, but maybe that is also the source for my perception of the events and her character. As an example, the scene where she heals the forest after the battle and you show it physically hurting her, then the dragon also gives some vague warnings that she should stop using that power or something bad happens and she even agrees, if I'm not mistaken, - maybe if you've spent some more time right there on describing that this effect on her body is not the norm I would not have thought about it as the life-for-power style thing. Just my thought, as always. Anyway, have fun writing!

Magical:Hello hello! Allow me to continue writing as I am happy to learn from you and at the same time share what I know as an avid reader of this. I do hope my point gets across to other readers as well. It's not that it's self hurt. (How I wish I can splurge it but as a reader who is on Anasthasia's POV) she ought to be careful from now on, which she needed to limit it or not use if possible. Her powers, even before, she could use them freely (See chapter 3) was there consequences or aftereffects biting backlash spell?. But, ``This damned curse``. oh well... moving along. She's really overpowered to begin with (well in this novel) and itll be a bummer if i go back to her history how she grew up and earned everything when its not the scope of this. What would be the point of splurging out those flashback if my readers aren't much invested on my character. What's important is the ''NOW''. She's trying to look for answers and goodness around chapter 30-40 she got clue, WHICH she was shock from the information she got but she got some basis from there, or so she thought. esp on the latest chapters. I hope you look forward to this but ugh, hurting to be strong isn't my gig. Perhaps it's because of the flashback Edward had shown regarding her power would cost something? But what? which aspect would that be? and what do you think ``When`` was it? Was it when she didnt break free from the curse or not? Then again, thank you so much for reading. I hope to get to know you, once again, in near future. Much much much love <3

Oh my... I love this conversation! I'm still currently writing my chapter, which takes a lot of time (not including the editing part) so I hope I'd reply soonest. I'll get back to this <3 <3

Storag:Thank you for taking time to get your points across. Some things, like phycology of leadership, are inherently and infinitely debatable and it's tottaly fine for writers to build their worlds and characters upon what they feel is or should be legitimate - so all the power to you! I found your writing very fast paced and emotionally charged - which is a good thing, especially when some web novels resemble a game log more than a novel, but maybe that is also the source for my perception of the events and her character. As an example, the scene where she heals the forest after the battle and you show it physically hurting her, then the dragon also gives some vague warnings that she should stop using that power or something bad happens and she even agrees, if I'm not mistaken, - maybe if you've spent some more time right there on describing that this effect on her body is not the norm I would not have thought about it as the life-for-power style thing. Just my thought, as always. Anyway, have fun writing!

I do agree with the leadership aspect and whatnot but hey! I sometimes try to bring something into the table that... (Not that I hate cliches or what) but I wanted it to try that you can do something and you can make a difference even being different yourself/ not conforming to social norms or trend. Those kinds of tropes are overdone and what I meant by overdone as in being interpreted the wrong way and all of that. Cliches can be a good tool, but if being used improperly then you'll really bring the worst out of it. I really appreciate you about thinking how the aspect of emotionally charged, I tried myself to give some time to flesh out some of the characters as they all interact some way with the FL. Please don't worry, as a reader, you have your own prerogative and I'd appreciate it where you don't really have to agree with the MAIN CHARACTER from their decisions when the SIDE CHARACTERS themselves are right for one instance. It just shows the flaw and not everyone is perfect themselves. Her perception can be biased but that doesn't mean we, as avid readers, don't have our own perception as well. Though I can see your point on the forest incident that was in chapter 16, I believe it was a set-up and soon to have pay-offs in the few chapters after that (I think you can guess what it chapter was.) :D :D ... Moreover, Freidmirth gave a fair warning since she shared her predicament (just the abstract of it). Which she plan to do so as she is confident with her other powers. I also thought of explaining but at that moment, she had to go back to the injured man and at least check how he was. Her eyes clouded with anger only to kill a substitute and not the true culprit. I'd be very pissed. The situation doesn't call for that and it might seemed forced if it inserted. But perhaps it isn't really my gig to info dump but I do think that there are limitations to her powers and she does get some ...e.g. headache from using her power. Btw, that's just me creating and paying homage to a similar magic system of Eragon series ( not sure if you have read it but I won't delve much deeper to it :D :D ) I understand why you could have thought about that, thanks for bringing those pointers and I'm happy to share what was showcased in the story so far! Once again, thank you so much and have a great day reading novels!

Storag:Thank you for taking time to get your points across. Some things, like phycology of leadership, are inherently and infinitely debatable and it's tottaly fine for writers to build their worlds and characters upon what they feel is or should be legitimate - so all the power to you! I found your writing very fast paced and emotionally charged - which is a good thing, especially when some web novels resemble a game log more than a novel, but maybe that is also the source for my perception of the events and her character. As an example, the scene where she heals the forest after the battle and you show it physically hurting her, then the dragon also gives some vague warnings that she should stop using that power or something bad happens and she even agrees, if I'm not mistaken, - maybe if you've spent some more time right there on describing that this effect on her body is not the norm I would not have thought about it as the life-for-power style thing. Just my thought, as always. Anyway, have fun writing!

When you put in perspective like this your logic is solid, but when I'm reading... I don't know if that be of any use but there's a general principle in how human perception works that I use in my work (sculpting) - we perceive details in contrast to the background, so if there is "empty" space around meaningful things naturally pop out. But when there is lack of such plain background human brains get fatigued and struggle to process information. For you, as a writer, parts of your story are naturally spread out in time as you write them, but those who binge-read might get overwhelmed given high pace and emotional intensity of your writing (I guess that's what happened to me at least). Maybe that isn't a bad thing to pick points in the story to slow things down and give both readers and characters an opportunity to recollect themselves and process the recent events. Maybe even put some of that perspective we've been discussing here right in the text?

Magical:I do agree with the leadership aspect and whatnot but hey! I sometimes try to bring something into the table that... (Not that I hate cliches or what) but I wanted it to try that you can do something and you can make a difference even being different yourself/ not conforming to social norms or trend. Those kinds of tropes are overdone and what I meant by overdone as in being interpreted the wrong way and all of that. Cliches can be a good tool, but if being used improperly then you'll really bring the worst out of it. I really appreciate you about thinking how the aspect of emotionally charged, I tried myself to give some time to flesh out some of the characters as they all interact some way with the FL. Please don't worry, as a reader, you have your own prerogative and I'd appreciate it where you don't really have to agree with the MAIN CHARACTER from their decisions when the SIDE CHARACTERS themselves are right for one instance. It just shows the flaw and not everyone is perfect themselves. Her perception can be biased but that doesn't mean we, as avid readers, don't have our own perception as well. Though I can see your point on the forest incident that was in chapter 16, I believe it was a set-up and soon to have pay-offs in the few chapters after that (I think you can guess what it chapter was.) :D :D ... Moreover, Freidmirth gave a fair warning since she shared her predicament (just the abstract of it). Which she plan to do so as she is confident with her other powers. I also thought of explaining but at that moment, she had to go back to the injured man and at least check how he was. Her eyes clouded with anger only to kill a substitute and not the true culprit. I'd be very pissed. The situation doesn't call for that and it might seemed forced if it inserted. But perhaps it isn't really my gig to info dump but I do think that there are limitations to her powers and she does get some ...e.g. headache from using her power. Btw, that's just me creating and paying homage to a similar magic system of Eragon series ( not sure if you have read it but I won't delve much deeper to it :D :D ) I understand why you could have thought about that, thanks for bringing those pointers and I'm happy to share what was showcased in the story so far! Once again, thank you so much and have a great day reading novels!

Oh my! A fellow artist, we vibe! I hard agree with the details but as you said, "Parts of your story are naturally spread out in time as you write them..." Which is exactly I did, as you can see, no information and description are junked and bulked in 1 chapter, and a continuous wall of text to boot. I think I did my utmost abilities to slowly introduce them despite the WPC event so I understand your sentiments most especially the 1st batch of chapters. (Early as in a month worth or so chapters)as the effect of WPC. There's also similar review how this got to be a little fast paced but , rightfully so, to showcase in accordance to the nitty-gritty criteria of the WPC. The night is young and so does this novel. Different colors in the spectrum are yet to backtrack in a prism to form a wholesome light. I can tell you there's WHOLE lot coming your way. :D :D For the last part, I planned that for a long time (all according to the plot I have <3 <3 ). Things are building up and it's just a matter of time they'll pop. As usual. Thank you for the reply.

Storag:When you put in perspective like this your logic is solid, but when I'm reading... I don't know if that be of any use but there's a general principle in how human perception works that I use in my work (sculpting) - we perceive details in contrast to the background, so if there is "empty" space around meaningful things naturally pop out. But when there is lack of such plain background human brains get fatigued and struggle to process information. For you, as a writer, parts of your story are naturally spread out in time as you write them, but those who binge-read might get overwhelmed given high pace and emotional intensity of your writing (I guess that's what happened to me at least). Maybe that isn't a bad thing to pick points in the story to slow things down and give both readers and characters an opportunity to recollect themselves and process the recent events. Maybe even put some of that perspective we've been discussing here right in the text?
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