Good world background, but it's too nationalistic, everything is about China, no Europian/etc... characters, plus a lot of the time you get told that the 'western countries' are the only enemies. Basically it's another piece of good chinese literature that got ruined by everything needing to promote china as the best country with no faults. Also the author has no clue how other countries work, which could excuse his racist remarks in the story. This results in stuff that doesn't make sense to not only 'western countries', but basically 97% countries on earth, stuff like MC saying that it's normal to be monitored by cameras for everything you do (??????). Sometimes by needing to make china look good the story doesn't even make sense, like around chapter ~380 the story goes to Africa and we get introduced to a guide (and guess what? the guide needs to be chinese too, the only non-chinese people that got introduced to the story so far [around chapter ~379], were some poor African-children who wanted money to survive, and a adult African-male who was eating a 'dirt cake'), now the backstory of the guide is that he went from the glorious and perfect china to Africa to make money (now you need to know that even in Africa he is poor, which makes you think why would he need to go from the perfect country that is china to a different continent just to make a measly amount of cash, couldn't he have just found a job in china if china is so amazing?), and after the MC gave him a lot of money (because he is chinese? he didn't give a dime to starving African children), the guide suddenly wants to go back to china. PS: I am at chapter 381 at the time of writing this review.
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