
Review Detail of NotUse in Broken Lips

Review detail


Writing Quality {[3]} I admire the author's vocabularies. The author's writing style, I found it to be unique and creative but in the downside, there were a lot of grammar mistakes. I've pointed out some of them for you, adding paragraph comments so you could identify those and fix them. Another problem was the sentence structure which seemed a bit wordy so I added some of my suggestions in the paragraph comments. Aside from this, there are a ton of punctuation mark errors, usually the lack of commas. There were typos but they were minimal. Stability of Updates {[5]} This is always automatically five for me Story Development {[5]} The pace is smooth so I'm rating this category five stars. The plot was interesting as well, it captivated me to read until chapter eleven. No boring scenes, one can just read the whole book throughout the night because of how attention-grabbing it is. Wonderfully done. Character Design {[5]} The characters were described greatly. I love their characteristics and the way they interact with each other is flawless. World Background {[5]} The author uses the "show not tell" kind of strategy/mechanism so that was great too. I love the way the author explains the apparel, the feelings, the emotions of the characters. The scenes are vivid, every scenario was described precisely. Places were not much of a bother since I was able to portray how they look like in my mind. Will I recommend this? Of course. Give it a try even if it has some errors and mistakes. I'm sure the author will improve as he or she writes further. If you want a none-cliche novel, then go read this.


Broken Lips


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I am grateful for your deep review. Thanks for helping with my grammar. [I am still learning English, so is one of my biggest problems for now.] When I read your novel, I really should take tips from you. ;) Once again thanks for taking the time to read, even though there is grammatical errors. <3