
Review Detail of Dingoa in Milady, Your Identity Please!!?

Review detail


I've only read the first few chapters, but I already think that: The writing is clean, correct, and easy to follow. The updates are super stable. The characters each have their own goals and have an interesting dynamic with one another, so they're nice to read about. The pacing is nice (not too slow and not too fast) and it keeps the reader curious - the way more mystery is inserted into the story as information is simultaneously revealed seems expertly done, keeping the reader strung along. Despite this, I did find it a bit difficult to get hooked into this story. The premise seems interesting and unique, but something about the beginning could maybe... pop a little more? Seems like there's a lot of telling going on (this happened, and then this happened after that...). Maybe more showing would pull the reader closer to the characters. It would get me more invested. Also, I like the point of view (third person omniscient is fun because you can understand the thoughts of several people). Well-chosen, Author. Overall it's a thumbs-up from me!


Milady, Your Identity Please!!?


Liked by 1 people




Thank you for the feedback 😍😍😘