
Review Detail of Dyrem in The Ultimate Support Character

Review detail


Another Review from the Author. This time this is not as shameless as the first one since I will address complaints the readers pointed out. I know everyone wouldn't be pleased by this work of mine, however before going in, please read this first. This novel is written in First Person Perspective and with only one perspective which is the MC's. So everything you will be reading here were all taken from the MC's own eyes. His thoughts, what he experienced, everything. He's the source. I also took it upon myself to write while keeping in mind not to self-project myself in the novel. His thinking will all stem from the 16-year old mind who because of a sudden increase in clarity or intelligence or anything you could call it, tends to overthink most of the time. And well, there's also his adaptability so he won't react as you expected on something where one should start asking questions or be surprised instead he will fall into his overthinking habit. This is where the first complaint will be addressed. 'I am weak.' You will be seeing him thinking like this at the earlier parts of the story. He's an overthinker and whenever something happened that's out of his grasp, he will immediately lean on that thought. Of course along the way he will outgrew that thought but yeah, some dropped this before that happened. He started from the bottom and I wanted to show what's going on inside his mind so his mindset at the earlier chapters will stay like that. For the second and third complaints, the Harem and the Side-characters . This is clearly tagged as a harem novel so expect the harem members will be introduced. 'They were introduced but there's no substance in them. What are they thinking? Why did they do that? Why did they fall for him? etc.' As this is a FPP novel, of course, you wouldn't be privy to what the other characters in the novel are thinking most of the time. That's unless they pointed it out or explained it themselves. Though they're introduced, the times they interact with the MC were all situational and most of the time their real thoughts were still not showing on the surface. They're all moving and thinking by themselves in the background even without the MC looking at them, so the next time they will show up in his perspective, bits of pieces of what they're thinking and their personality will be exposed. I used this kind of writing on my first novel as well, slowly unraveling the personalities of the characters introduced. But since some of the characters will be left behind on their worlds and it's still unsure when they will show up again, they will feel flat. I understand that point but that's just how it is. Characters will not immediately open up to him but as their interaction with each other increased, you'll see the sides of them that's not shown during the first time they were introduced. 'Not detailed enough. The description is too bland.' As this is something even I am not confident at. You will feel that his environment were not described properly. I suck at describing things and people but I'm trying to improve it through continuous writing and reading. I think this is everything. For the typo and grammatical errors, I can only ask you readers to point it out for me to fix. I only use Grammarly and Docs to correct the mistakes and surely they're not perfect. If I still missed a point that you feel like its a blunder of the novel, feel free to comment it below and I will answer them to the best of my understanding of my own work. Thanks for reading. :)

The Ultimate Support Character


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first person perspective is an cheap excuse for a flat-personality in each harem members. some other novel feature unique harem members even if in first person perspective.


keep on the good dude/dudet nice explanation and I really don't see the problem with your writing some people complain to much if you ask me there are books wich are now sold on amazon wich are way way worse so yea


A suggestion how about the next time you write a review try by writing it in a pro and cons style where identify and specify the pros and cons of the novel then reveal why should we read it... It works every time... For Reference Go to Guild Wars Read Kota and Devils advocate reviews you'll understand...


Will do when I reached a certain point in the story. As of now, we're still at the earlier stages so it's better to point out the pros and cons when the story progressed further.

Lonely_Paradox:A suggestion how about the next time you write a review try by writing it in a pro and cons style where identify and specify the pros and cons of the novel then reveal why should we read it... It works every time... For Reference Go to Guild Wars Read Kota and Devils advocate reviews you'll understand...

A big suggestion I have for you, as it will assist in getting around 2 out of the three issues you mentioned: Interludes. I think writing orher xharacter interkudes, even if short, will give a chance to see the perspective and opinions of characters in other positions. I would keep it to ones of higher authority or importance to the MC storywise. While the MC himself can be an unreliable narrator, interludes will help put his actions and choices as well as other peoples choices into perspective allowing the reader a more well rounded view in things.


Thanks for the great suggestion! I'll consider this. However, I might not put it in the main book if I ever make one which shows a perspective of another character. I really wanted to make this work in entirely one perspective while keeping the mysteries to be solved one by one. I might write some and put it in another title as some kind of side stories.

Sage_HiddenBear:A big suggestion I have for you, as it will assist in getting around 2 out of the three issues you mentioned: Interludes. I think writing orher xharacter interkudes, even if short, will give a chance to see the perspective and opinions of characters in other positions. I would keep it to ones of higher authority or importance to the MC storywise. While the MC himself can be an unreliable narrator, interludes will help put his actions and choices as well as other peoples choices into perspective allowing the reader a more well rounded view in things.

it's a great book, but I dislike harems, nevertheless I'll try to read, some harems can actually be pretty good


I like it when authors are active and address the problems they have with honesty like that. Your novel is now in my library. As it’s only 80-something chapters at the moment I’ll set it aside for now as I don’t like it when my reading is cut short but I do expect a nice a read when you finally accumulate enough chapters. -Hope you all the best.


its great to see an author that is actively addressing the issues with their works. the only way to get better is to accept where you are then move on in a positive direction. I will keep reading if you keep working. looking forward to seeing you become GREAT!!


I agree totally

MonJoe:I like it when authors are active and address the problems they have with honesty like that. Your novel is now in my library. As it’s only 80-something chapters at the moment I’ll set it aside for now as I don’t like it when my reading is cut short but I do expect a nice a read when you finally accumulate enough chapters. -Hope you all the best.





Author, this is just an idea (may not be feasible due to time constraints or readily available people) but maybe looking into getting another author to proof read your work, share tips and feedback, and a basic editing. It may not work if you are pushing out 2+ chapters a day depending on the other person but it is a possibility. I know this because I used to be an avid writer on another site before I slowly drifted into becoming more of an editor. Now, I've taken a liking to branching out into the Eastern culture of writing and came to this site to read and understand better. I'd give it a thought but I'm not sure how feasible it may be for you in particular. -Hope you have a good day and keep on writing.


thanks. I will consider that

Chris_Ross_6186:Author, this is just an idea (may not be feasible due to time constraints or readily available people) but maybe looking into getting another author to proof read your work, share tips and feedback, and a basic editing. It may not work if you are pushing out 2+ chapters a day depending on the other person but it is a possibility. I know this because I used to be an avid writer on another site before I slowly drifted into becoming more of an editor. Now, I've taken a liking to branching out into the Eastern culture of writing and came to this site to read and understand better. I'd give it a thought but I'm not sure how feasible it may be for you in particular. -Hope you have a good day and keep on writing.

you book popped up in an add and even tho I mainly play support characters I wasn't interested until your comment to read your review. and man I support you 150% ill read your novel and help show some differences. I wish I could write. I and in my head but not on paper it all flies out when I go to write it down so grats on making past that seriously I read a lot and love to watch new writers grow so ill leave at this thank you for your review and I am going to enjoy your novel even more now


thank you! hope you liked it. it might look like a rough start but that's because I'm setting it up for something which will be revealed later in the story

Michael_S_Dahan:you book popped up in an add and even tho I mainly play support characters I wasn't interested until your comment to read your review. and man I support you 150% ill read your novel and help show some differences. I wish I could write. I and in my head but not on paper it all flies out when I go to write it down so grats on making past that seriously I read a lot and love to watch new writers grow so ill leave at this thank you for your review and I am going to enjoy your novel even more now

It’s rare for an author to admit his works shortcomings


I just wanted to say thank again and was curious if there is a one time fee thing that I can pay to get all of you chapter sand the new ones or is it really day by day?


I am updating the novel everyday. Currently it's 2 chapters per day since I don't have any stockpiled chapters to increase the release rate.

Michael_S_Dahan:I just wanted to say thank again and was curious if there is a one time fee thing that I can pay to get all of you chapter sand the new ones or is it really day by day?

nw i was just curious it seems expensive to go chapter by chapter i am only one working in my family i went ahead and did the membership to buy the next 40 chapters so I can get to 125 currently.

Dyrem:I am updating the novel everyday. Currently it's 2 chapters per day since I don't have any stockpiled chapters to increase the release rate.

I see. thank you for your purchase. However, I can't do anything about it. Every locked chapter will cost coins. you can use fast passes though. you can get at least 3 fast pass per day by signing in, giving power stone and voting on new novels. Though I won't get anything from fast pass, at least you can continue your reading using it without needing to spend more.

Michael_S_Dahan:nw i was just curious it seems expensive to go chapter by chapter i am only one working in my family i went ahead and did the membership to buy the next 40 chapters so I can get to 125 currently.