
Review Detail of Pomegranate in Death... and me

Review detail


I read all the way up to 500 chapters, and i can only say that im disappointed. at first it was a funny novel with a new take on the cultivation worold, but then. THE WOMEN came **spoilers** One of the first interactions with malaka was that she tried to follow the twins, and she almost died. when they got to the sect she got taken in by a part of the sect that is only for women (pretty stupid) all of that blue orchArd divition girls were entitled brats who looked down on you because of your gender. all girls think they’re better but they scream when someone stream steals their plane panties. they were but i read through it. Then they go to the profound abyss where they meet another brat which forced to help because of the system. this girl falls In lOVe with ROan then they go to the capital and rean is forced to marry a princesS he doesn’t like because of a MISUNDERSTANDING. she tries to R*PE him, but he just laughs it off. now we have 3 braindead characters following the MCs (they’re also braindead) omg i can’t put into words how horrible the story gets.

Death... and me


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oh and also if you are saying that this isn't a forced romantic plot, it turns out you are even a bigger r*tard. I feel dumb enough to argue but I'll do it anyway. Listen, edgelord. Do you know how good romance in fiction is written? There are many routes but the most simplistic one is - boy meets girl, the boy finds interest in the girl, pursues her, the girl also finds interest in the boy, and then, they get together. That's how simple this is. But of course, virgin losers don't even try to hide their fantasies. In their minds, r*pe is the greatest romantic plot.

PublishedLeaf:Yoi do know that qui was drugged retard. She wanst trying to rape him she got drugged so she had no control over her actions. I hate idiot's smh

Yoi do know that qui was drugged retard. She wanst trying to rape him she got drugged so she had no control over her actions. I hate idiot's smh


I'm sorry but isn't that r*pe as well? Not to mention, this sounds like an extremely forced romantic subplot.

PublishedLeaf:Yoi do know that qui was drugged retard. She wanst trying to rape him she got drugged so she had no control over her actions. I hate idiot's smh

Resulting to slurrs and calling me and edgelord what lol. I think you should look it up the one raping the person the one giving them the aphrodisiac not the one under the influence. This why I hate arguing with retards like you its funny though that you did make an alt. I donk like rape its disgusting in fact, but if you thought that she WAS raping him you must have very few brain cells. Lets stop talking so we can just keep thinking ourselved are right we aint gonna change are minds so lets stop this idiotic and pointless thing. Theres things called evidence research and google!

Toronto_Liam:oh and also if you are saying that this isn't a forced romantic plot, it turns out you are even a bigger r*tard. I feel dumb enough to argue but I'll do it anyway. Listen, edgelord. Do you know how good romance in fiction is written? There are many routes but the most simplistic one is - boy meets girl, the boy finds interest in the girl, pursues her, the girl also finds interest in the boy, and then, they get together. That's how simple this is. But of course, virgin losers don't even try to hide their fantasies. In their minds, r*pe is the greatest romantic plot.

look at the 2 brainlets above me


😂😂what did she do?


Yup two both have valid points but I agree with it being forced. She a princess somehow gets drugged with aphrodisiac. First of all if she hasn't been killed or kicked out or sold off she obviously has relative importance, thus she has protectors or there would be some form protection in either guards, poison cheers n stuff and formations/contraptions to help protect her. It was pretty forced. Tbh this is one of the books were they really shouldn't have attempted romance, It was and still is terrible, (if you have two Mc's you go for them both having a single Woman), they're useless woman who just sort of follow them around, it ruins the balanced dynamic of brotherhood especially when there is mutiple women. Thirdly The Mc who should have something to him in the 688 chapters I've read is just support he is literally borderline inconsequential and irrelevant, Death could pretty much do everything Mc could do without him he's just a auxiliary booster a battery pack so to speak to make stuff easier, the potential it has has been ruined and then drowned, and then ressurcted then burnt at the stake which people chuck oil at and then buried in the core of a planet which is then detonated

PublishedLeaf:Resulting to slurrs and calling me and edgelord what lol. I think you should look it up the one raping the person the one giving them the aphrodisiac not the one under the influence. This why I hate arguing with retards like you its funny though that you did make an alt. I donk like rape its disgusting in fact, but if you thought that she WAS raping him you must have very few brain cells. Lets stop talking so we can just keep thinking ourselved are right we aint gonna change are minds so lets stop this idiotic and pointless thing. Theres things called evidence research and google!

good job u saved ur self i am at 1200 . there are several other super annoying female added each arc who dies 100 chapters later while the twins only greive their deaths for one paragraph and get over it.


your the idiot read that part again she knew she was drugged when rean told her then she decided to take advantage of that fact read it again for heavens sake

PublishedLeaf:Yoi do know that qui was drugged retard. She wanst trying to rape him she got drugged so she had no control over her actions. I hate idiot's smh

Ok lets see you get drugged and think with your right mind. Its not possible, same thing when you drink alcohol and are drunk, your not thinking with a clear mind. The same think happened with her. If you cant see that her mind wasnt fully in control, 1 either go back to school. 2 don't have kids we dont need idiots like you in society. Shebdidny want to take the drug, she was a victim, but hopefully your SO will be just as a terrible human as you are. So you two can torture each other.

Josiah_Ferguson:your the idiot read that part again she knew she was drugged when rean told her then she decided to take advantage of that fact read it again for heavens sake

my last response to an idiot what is an aphrodisiac? secondly, mind you what qia did is a common trope in stories they want a guy father gives them an aphrodisiac use it so she could say she was under the influence please read after rean said she's under the influence what was here inner monologue? anyways you braindead buffoon your a waste of my time.

PublishedLeaf:Ok lets see you get drugged and think with your right mind. Its not possible, same thing when you drink alcohol and are drunk, your not thinking with a clear mind. The same think happened with her. If you cant see that her mind wasnt fully in control, 1 either go back to school. 2 don't have kids we dont need idiots like you in society. Shebdidny want to take the drug, she was a victim, but hopefully your SO will be just as a terrible human as you are. So you two can torture each other.

More Quia said ("Since it's not my fault, then I don't need to hold back either.")

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This a harem? Coz i cant see the tag


Is it still worth a read? I can't be arsed to invest time into this only to drop it... its already 1800+ chapters


Ah, thanks for this feedback. Won't be reading then, I feel you can create a story without stupid plots like r*pe, overly s*xual scenes and the lot. Gosh, what happen to the good ol' days of ISSTH, DE, SS, Renegade Immortal? sheesh

PublishedLeaf:Yoi do know that qui was drugged retard. She wanst trying to rape him she got drugged so she had no control over her actions. I hate idiot's smh

Oh god Yesss I loved it so much up till this point and then Babang! WOMEN- And that too not even the cool sorta women like Elder Kaiss Hormonal Teenage Women!!!!!