Don't let the format of the summary and the cute emojis fool you! The author's writing is fantastic! Not immature or *******ish at all! I think I read somewhere she is a professional author who recently started writing BL on a different pen name and it shows - I have yet to spot a grammar or spelling mistake in the novel. The releases are on a regular schedule, not a single one missed yet. And the author releases a bonus chapter every week when a set number of power stones is reached. The writing is to the point, without any BS filler and is an absolute joy to read. MC and ML are a match made in heaven and their interactions are so much fun to read. Now, every day as I deal with all kinds of **** in my life, I know that at the end of it I'll have my pick-me-up packet of candy delivered right on time. Worldbuilding is terrific and fed to us very gradually when it becomes relevant, no information overload. Characters, so far, all have their unique personalities and motivations, and from I gathered, they also all play a certain part in the overall plot. The plot flows smoothly, and interesting things… keep happening. I don't know how to explain this, it's like you are reading a genuine adventure mystery with all kinds of new stuff happening all the time, but every single scene of it is interwoven with so much romance and fluff. The author never makes you forget that you are reading a romantic comedy, no matter how full of action and thrill the scenes are. And I think that's just beautiful. We all came here to read romance, right? I just didn't know romance could be told in a such a satisfying way. Thank you, author <3 Please continue writing this funny and sweet gem! P.S. I am still waiting to read that promised smut. At the moment, we haven't reached the smut part of the story just yet. Since I won't be able to edit this review, I'll just post another later to let you know what the smut is like. P.P.S. Also, author, is there a way for you to give us more weekly releases? Maybe open a ko-fi so we can help you do less of… whatever you are doing to make a living, and write more SSC for us?
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