
Review Detail of NotUse in APAURUSHYA

Review detail


Writing Quality {[4}] There are a few errors that I've found. I've commented about them in their respective paragraphs. There were more that I've found but just to avoid the risk of being called a nitpicker, I didn't mind it anymore plus it was only minor. There were major ones, and I've commented on most of them. These were the ones that future readers, especially nitpickers and people who are fluent in English, might find hard or confusing to read. Next thing I noticed was there were a few errors in punctuation but that doesn't really affect the story that much. Stability of updates {[5]} Automatically going to rate this five as always. Character Design {[5]} Every character was vividly described, so I have no problems with that. World Background {[5]} Well, the world background was great too, I was able to portray the scenarios happening in my head. Some paragraphs however are prose which might seem a bit boring for readers but that wasn't boring for me since I love prose! It's wonderful to know something new. Overall: 4.8 This is a honest review for the sake of helping the author improve. The author's strong points are his/her world background, character design, and story development. The pace is smooth. What the author needs to improve is his/her typos and do a bit of proofreading to fix the errors that I've noted. That is all and I wish the author the very best. Will I recommend it? Of course! Go and give this book a try if you're a fan of the genre. For new readers who are not familiar with the genre, I suggest that you give this a try, it's captivating, and the plot is interesting. It's good to learn something new :)




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Warning: The main character curses a lot. Like a lot, a lot.


Thanks for the review, these kinds of reviews make my day. Since I am new to writing, so nitpicking(not in a bad way) is like a torch guiding me into the light. I will adhere to the advice. Will continue to improve. Thanks So much.