
Review Detail of Cody_Bowen in The Game of the Worlds

Review detail


This is an amazing book!! I enjoy the growth of the MC both as a person and as a fighter. The writing it well done with few errors. All in all a great book to add to your library

The Game of the Worlds


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Thank you very much for the amazing review. I like to hear about how people like my book and their thoughts. And I'm doing this all on my own and doing my own editing, so if you or anyone finds an error, please, feel free to comment and ill will correct it. Thanks again for the review.


Hey. I think someone has stolen your story and published it on Amazon. https://***.amazon.com/Game-Worlds-Jim-Gates-ebook/dp/B08L186132/ You can get the novel taken down by submitting a copyright claim as the original rights holder. There's a link at the bottom of the novel page. Best wishes, ramon

Renegade_Gamer:Thank you very much for the amazing review. I like to hear about how people like my book and their thoughts. And I'm doing this all on my own and doing my own editing, so if you or anyone finds an error, please, feel free to comment and ill will correct it. Thanks again for the review.