
Review Detail of Abordoaj in Becoming Legend

Review detail


a young man, whose name is unknown, awakens from a dream of the death of his master. He leaves his house and ventures into the forest to find his master and is shocked to find him dead. He reads a note on the body of his master, which speaks of dark, evil monsters known as the Corruptors. He is then attacked by one of them and is knocked unconscious. He awakens some time later, where the elder of his village sends him off on a journey to find a magical sword called the Mageblade, the only thing with the ability to destroy the Corruptors. Along the way, he finds the ghost of his master, who points him in the right direction. Eventually, the young hero finds the dungeon where the Mageblade is usually kept. But waiting for him is the same Corruptor who killed his master and knocked him out, who reveals that they destroyed the Mageblade. After killing them, the hero acquires the first piece of the shattered Mageblade. He then continues his journey, discovering more magical spells, and is guided by his deceased master. Eventually, after having assembled the Mageblade, his master confronts him one last time and sends him to another dimension called the Worlds End Keep. He battles a doppelgänger of himself, The Master of Chaos, the lord of the Corruptors. After vanquishing his foe, the game ends, but scrolling text tells the story of how he became the guard of the King of Florennumn(A city featured in the game), but eventually went back to his quiet life in his home village. . . . . . . . . . . . . You can even see his armor and the mageblade. . . . .. . . . .. hahahaha just kidding.


Becoming Legend


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