This novel is so addictive that I read it while I was suffering through covid🤭🤭 Author 🙏 you are literally one of the best in your fields... This novel was like a fabulous yet complicated puzzle...Every piece of it finally fell in it's right place at the end of the story...Aaron&August, Leo&Liyah, Kash&Jules all of them got their happy endings 😇😇 after all their hardships and struggles... Especially August☺️I am glad she recovered from her DID after all the horrible things that she has faced as a child and a teen too and at the end found Aaron got married and had two adorable kids too😍😍 And Aaron🤩🤩you are that perfect man who is every girls dream❤️❤️ I really like the sister bond that author tried to depict through Liyah,August & Julieta😘😘 I was shipping for Leo&Liyah from the beginning but Kash&Jules's lovestory came as a surprise ❤️❤️ But as a hopeless romantic I shipped it too☺️☺️ I am so glad that all the vicious characters Sebastian,Lorca,Mimi,Su Chenli,Auda, Mandy Myers, Donald all of them got their fateful ends😡😡 and Rowena & Josh those two got their family support and changed🙃🙃 I really can't wait to read the rest of the story and read your other works too Purplebride😘😘I love you ❤️❤️
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