
Review Detail of Mepha in Unlimited Power - The Arcane Path (COMPLETED)

Review detail


I read 160 + chapters, at first, it was good. Survival in the island is the climax of this novel. But after the island, I started getting more and more annoyed.Characters so formulaic that the fish that the main character killed seem to be alive) Also present here is the much-disliked SELF-SACRIFICE. MC has to help everyone, save the world and blah-blah-blah. It is very frustrating when an MC jumps from one place to another to save something, or someone, and in most cases, these responsibilities get in the way. I had to restrain myself from giving up reading this, but the characters finished me off. The main character was given a girl as a servant and he did not touch her, even taught her something useful. Then this girl's own brother appears, in the form of a super-cool magician. Then it turns out that the father of this girl, almost the king of his country.... God, how could you ruin everything and lower the level of logic of the book to this level, as if another person wrote the part about the island!


Unlimited Power - The Arcane Path (COMPLETED)


Liked by 11 people




I made it through 310 chapters and somehow, it gets worse.


Hahaha I only got to around 140+ till I could not take it anymore. đŸ˜