
Review Detail of Ahtu_Flagg in Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Review detail


Putting a fair warning here for potential readers: The author basically states that he draws upon all the movies(including Disney's dumpster-fire sequels). He doesn't know the real Sith ranks and so makes up his own. And he immediately bungles the rankings in his own system: Where he states the Knight and "Sith Master" title are equal. Yet puts his character at Knight/Lord rank. Killed my interest to keep reading, and I am guessing it will turn others off as well. To me, it means they do not understand the importance of logical consistency.


Star Wars: The Holy Empire


Liked by 65 people




P.S. By "they", I mean the authors that write like that.


Yes. I kept it at 3 stats, because it wouldn't be fair to rate it any lower, when I didn't read very far.


Having read further, it was worse than I thought. He doesn't understand midi-chlorians either, but tries to make his MC OP with them in the start(doesn't exactly work that way, but w/e, he will make it do so in this AU). This is a pure wish-fulfillment fanfic. Where the MC doesn't have to do shit to earn what he gets, god gives all he wishes to him in the first chapter after the prologue(except the real SW universe, it would seem. Considering that he's adding in BS from the sequels, weird new Sith titles, removing old real Sith titles, and making midi-chlorians something else than what they were described as).


what are the new sith titles?

Ahtu_Flagg:Having read further, it was worse than I thought. He doesn't understand midi-chlorians either, but tries to make his MC OP with them in the start(doesn't exactly work that way, but w/e, he will make it do so in this AU). This is a pure wish-fulfillment fanfic. Where the MC doesn't have to do shit to earn what he gets, god gives all he wishes to him in the first chapter after the prologue(except the real SW universe, it would seem. Considering that he's adding in BS from the sequels, weird new Sith titles, removing old real Sith titles, and making midi-chlorians something else than what they were described as).

Ahtu_Flagg:Having read further, it was worse than I thought. He doesn't understand midi-chlorians either, but tries to make his MC OP with them in the start(doesn't exactly work that way, but w/e, he will make it do so in this AU). This is a pure wish-fulfillment fanfic. Where the MC doesn't have to do shit to earn what he gets, god gives all he wishes to him in the first chapter after the prologue(except the real SW universe, it would seem. Considering that he's adding in BS from the sequels, weird new Sith titles, removing old real Sith titles, and making midi-chlorians something else than what they were described as).