Is my novel good maybe is it bad yes definitely why do I have a rating well its cus I begged people to give them to me why do I still get power stones you asking well its cus I give all my power stones to my self you seem happy to know that and I know you are if your not well thats sad I like to bring a smile to peoples faces Im definitely sure that one day someone will hate me for ruining this novel with harem or maybe not we'll never know huh? so yeah life is nice but filled woth harship and thats why we distract ourselves with entertainment and if ur still reading this props to you I could totally say something like you wasted 30 seconds of your life or something like that but I really dont consider my self an asshole or maybe I do Im only writing this so can get a rating maybe its a dick more but thats life life brought you into this world and you thought it was a dick move
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