
Review Detail of Kakuzu13 in Races: Online ( VR Smartphone App )

Review detail


I have a question for the author. This game is a beta so there will be a real release of the game in the real world right ? Because so far we have just some otherwordly races and not real ranking or fight, guilds and all. This make me sad so i would like ask when or if this game will be played through all the human world


Races: Online ( VR Smartphone App )


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Hello there Yimko, thank you for your question! The Creators will release the entire 'Races' game not only to earth but also different planets across the universe where the Demons, Elves and all Races will join (Similar to 'Omniscient Reader') but I plan to tackle it in another book if time permits. For now, this book will concentrate on the protagonist and his relationship with the different Races and in the near future, will have a relationship where he and Mermaids, Elves, Demon Lords and such will be able to meet in real life. (Similar to Cultivation Chat Group) And spoiler, he gains powers in real life too. I recommend Omniscient Reader if you haven't read it yet, it might be more to your liking :D Thanks for checking this book out.