
Review Detail of Aeternabilis in An ton's Journey ( StarCraft + other worlds)

Review detail


I will admit I do not know much about starcraft however I have found the concept of the story interesting. The thing is I hate the mc's personality... he is way to stupid, he is lazy af and whines way too much. I get that the author is doing this to build up the mc's personality? The main problem for me when reading this and is what is making me drop is how the mc doesn't upgrade himself. He has over 1mil in materials and doesnt upgrade himself? Like wtf... he upgraded himself to the max he could go at level 0.... he even did this at the start when he had a small number of materials. Now he has tons he has forgotten all about himself? Then he sees ships falling out of the sky and goes towards them? Is he asking to fcking die? He also just survived an atk from them insects... you would think he would learn no? I find this rly hard to read as I cannot comprehend the stupidity. Maybe I am missing something on why he cannot upgrade himself?


An ton's Journey ( StarCraft + other worlds)


Liked by 5 people




well, let me explain my thinking. First of all, spending all resources on upgrades, that might be needed later, is a bad idea. Second, he was lazy man in a depression. It is his base, and he won't magically become efficient and smart and so on just by being in his situation. As for getting to the ship, it is information and possibly a way to find people and understand where he is. As for some things being annoying, I understand.


Also, at the beginning I didn't have much things planned, so prices at that time are ridiculous. yes. too big and strange. That is for sure. And thank you for leaving a review :) I will try to do better.


not to mention he is tactically brain dead not to mention just how bad he is at thinking things through. im not asking for Einstein lvls of genius