This novel is pretty good. Read the raws and it was quite entertaining. Of course the usual tropes are there but the male lead is really entertaining. I really love how he carry their marriage certificate every where and have to show to anyone to show proof of their marriage. Be patient with story cause there are some parts that get draggy... To me what set this story apart is the author really give the side characters their own true loves so you get to see their progression how they met and etc. The flow of the story is pretty decent and there is a slow progression of growth with the female lead. To be honest the novel,the female lead is really bad ass. Very decisive in her decision but cool headed to make smart decisions. ( I mean it’s to be expect cause she the FL ) she don’t hesitate to kill or save when need to be. Of course the story is over the top in how amazing her skills are but the love she shows to who she cares about almost made me tear a couple of times. The male lead is domineering, overbearing ( not to point where it drives you crazy), and always seem to know where she is. It’s amazing how he magically appears at her side and you like wtf where did he comes from. I can definitely say don’t mess with his woman cause he will kill you with out asking twice. I like how her give her space and have unwavering trust in her. The side characters are the best, funny, and too damn many but it some how make the story flow. Overall it’s a good story. Have patience to get through the mystery and cliffhangers. Just enjoy Yun Ji An abs Si Yi adventures.
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LIKEHe appeared fairly quick. Like in less than 100 chapters and they got together around 200/300 chapters if I remember correctly. Like he wasted no time trying to get with her. They finally did the deed around 1800 chapters. They got married around the 1000 chapters.
Thank you!!! Ahh I feel at ease now to continue reading it! I was a little afraid they would only get married towards the end of the whole novel(As a couple of other long novels I read were like that.. and that was insane☠️😅) Glad to know at least their progression is not too slow and fairly steady🥰
Keep in mind they got married three times. towards the end they have the grand ceremony. Like he married her in a different country and carry that marriage certificate with him every where cause they not legal yet in their country. But he is with her like 80% of the story. Feel at ease reading it. Like the relationship pace is at a steady pace not fast and not to slow
Oh! Ok got it! Thanks for the review. People like me need more reviews like this with mini spoilers for really long novels to keep us going haha😅 Can’t wait to see how their story progresses🤗
Trust me I understand. Ask away if you want to know. Cause you have a lot chapters to get through
No no and no. They have serious unwavering trust in each other. Like he either seriously kills the person or he shows off the marriage certificate or pregnancy stick. The love he have for her is like wow 🤩
To be honest the their story is good but the side characters are just as good in fact even better then the main leads in certain parts of the story.