
Review Detail of NightHunter in Transdimensional Marketing

Review detail


3 for writing quality, Some mistakes here and there but not too bad it is average. 1 for story development, Same old same old, The plot just keeps on replaying the same tropes. at the start it was good but as you go on and on it becomes shitty. 1 for character design, The MC is a massive pushover and has severe brain issues to the point that I think the author has brain issues as well. several other characters are also not on point with their supposed characteristics. Honestly? I think 0 is more appropriate. 4 for Update Stability, It has been continuously updating so far. 1. World Background, Everyone is dumb, And no one in the story has been very realistic so far. and I just see bullshit flying all over the place. Overall review for my Library, "I'll keep it, to save it for the most extreme circumstances in which I cannot resupply my cultured library with Fanfic or Translated content."


Transdimensional Marketing

Three Rows of Books

Liked by 3 people




Lot's of Nationalism too.


Best sci fi ever, the char development is certainly poor and also racism, but the knowledge you will get is much more interesting, try reading it you'll get hooked to the knowledge the author presented, I even tried researching more about some stuff in the web and most of the explanations are real, tho in real world most stuff still haven't been proven