At this point, I shouldn't be surprised at the quality (or rather, lack of). There are too many Perfect-Secret-Love- and FMHM-wannabes out there...and this is one of them. There are a lot of typical, copy-pasted elements: scum ex-boyfriend, loyal/wacky girl friend, "domineering" (aka abusive, cold, trash) boss, etc. The dialogue between ML and FL is dull and tasteless, and I swear I've seen the FL's girl friend in at least 5 different novels (as in, her lines are recycled as heck too). I don't know why all these writers think this counts as "quality content." Is unconsented marriage "quality content"? Is harassment "quality content"? Is all this blatant plagiarism "quality content"? Why can't a woman just live her own damn life and make her own choices? Are these authors all just 30 year old, single men who enjoy projecting their disgusting fetishes onto their writing? I'm tired of seeing all these strong FLs getting tossed around and turned into sparkly-eyed mush by pointlessly handsome man-childs. Women are MORE than this. It isn't worth reading. It's better off in the incinerator. And I'm NOT sorry for the rant.
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LIKELol ok so I wasn’t saying that this FL specifically is strong; I was mostly referring to the general population of FLs in this particular genre who ARE strong, with their own ideas and abilities. This FL is quite eh. Sorry for the confusion.