The idea behind this story is interesting and I really like it. A regular female from the modern world gets transported to a primitive beastmen society. The problem with this story is *how* it’s written. The author is a lazy writer who doesn’t develop the characters or plot well. There are many inconsistencies throughout it. Ive read almost 500 chapters of this 1,600+ chapter story and it’s still missing basic background information on the characters and the plot. Either that, or it only gives information at a later time than it should. 1.) plot holes. There are many times when the author mentions something at the beginning of the story then contradicts themselves in later chapters. The story reads like it was written without the author revisiting previously written information. As if the story were published as a draft that had never been read at all. The story also fails to give important information early on. A large portion of story takes place in/references the City of Beasts yet we only learn about the history of the city about *300 chapters* in. Same goes for the city’s cultural norms, government, crime and justice system, economy... all this useful information isn’t seen towards the beginning of the story. which is where it should be. The story’s characters are described as having western features yet they follow Asian beauty standards... this doesn’t make sense. Freckles are considered ugly when that’s a common western feature. Also, qingqing is described as having skin white as snow and no one in the city (apart from the ape king) has seen a light-skinned female yet they praise her skin color for being beautiful when it would be more accurate for her skin color to be seen as sickly or strange. People also praise her beauty yet no one looks like her. Since they’ve never seen someone with qingqing’s face before, it would be more accurate for them to think she looks odd rather than beautiful. plus females are expected to have fuller figures because beastmen believe fuller females are more fertile yet qingqing’s also praised for being thin. Once again, it’d be more accurate for her thin figure to *only* be seen as weak or infertile. However, the same people who say she’s too thin still tell her she’s incredibly beautiful because of her thin figure and this contradiction doesn’t make sense. 2.) The main problem with the author’s characterization is that the author doesn’t *show* how a character acts but rather *tells* us how a character acts. // spoiler alert // qingqing’s character is described as “a regular high school student” yet she has abilities far beyond what a regular high school student would have. •she can remember recipes from cooking shows that she only watched *one* time, despite the beginning of the story saying she’s not much of a cook. Every single one her meals comes out perfectly the *first* time she makes them even though she’s unsure of the cooking process. •the author tries to make her seem like a filial daughter but qingqing NEVER had a breakdown moment where she missed her family. At all. She mentions her family members approximately five times total within these 500 chapters and that’s it. It’s weird for a 16yo child to not think of their parents when they’re tossed into a completely new world and lost their old life. qingqing states that adoptive parents could never love children like biological parents; a child with a conservative mindset like this should *especially* be worried about her life back home with her parents but she isn’t. •qingqing occasionally recalls watching animal programs after she’s lived in this beastmen world for a while but how come she *never* mentions this at the beginning of the story? (Part one)
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LIKE(Part two) •she claims she can take care of her leopard cubs because her family has a pet dog. the problem here is that these animals are NOT the same. dogs are domestic, leopards are not. one is canine, one is feline. this would be like cat owners claiming they could take care of wolves purely bc they can care for cats •the author claims males like qingqing because of her “gentle and obedient” personality when she’s neither. qingqing throws tantrums when she doesn’t get her way. for ex: in the beastmen world, crime & punishment is resolved through duels but qingqing doesn’t like this and forces her mates to demand compensation instead. Compensation is extremely humiliating in the beastmen world bc anyone who asks for it is seen as weak. Upon learning this she says she doesn’t care and stomps her foot and cries until her mates agree to ask for compensation instead of duels. •qingqing’s very selfish and spoiled but doesn’t appreciate the effort it takes for her to be spoiled. see example above^ •hypocritical. Qingqing hates that the females of this world prefer having strong/handsome males and look down on other males yet qingqing is just as vain. when she meets other females, she comments on how ugly and spoiled they are. Qingqing also got mad at a female who rejected a powerful beastmen who saved her from harm. Yet Qingqing has also rejected males who saved her from harm •the author says qingqing’s smart but qingqing isn’t book or street smart. qingqing’s “smarts” come from watching documentaries *one time* and being able to perfectly remember the information mentioned in them. like when qingqing recalls a documentary about sounds and vibrations causing rain and she can turn *an entire civilization* into a speaker. Qingqing’s plans also ALWAYS work out the *first* time she tries them. Qingqing never develops skills but rather randomly remembers how to do something and magically gets it right on the first try, regardless of how complicated the plan is. •qingqing claims making wine is one of her best skills how the author never explains *how* qingqing learned to make it. Does she come from farmers? Probably not, she’s a city girl. Does she come from a family of wine lovers? Does her family work with wine? Did someone else teach her? Did qingqing learn how to make it on her own? I don’t know. I really don’t know. The author never explains *how* qingqing gets her extensive knowledge. More importantly, it’s odd that an underage child is able to make fine wine by themselves from scratch in the first place. •qingqing brought supplies she wouldn’t be able to find in the beastmen world. On the day she arrived she was out praying with her sister yet she managed to pack and fit a hair brush, underwear, nail clippers, compact mirror, toothbrush/toothpaste and more in a bag. Half of these supplies aren’t even mentioned until qingqing’s been in this world for months. Seems like the author purposely didn’t tell us all that was in her purse so that items could be written in later on when convenient. •claims she wants to fit in this world but forces the norms of her culture into the beastmen culture. For a long time she refuses to have more than one mate when that’s the norm in this world. She also refuses to follow along with beastmen traditions unless they benefit her. she should be assimilating herself if she wants to fit in but doesn’t make much effort to. Parker and Curtis are her primary males in the story and qingqing says she loves them both and hates being away from them. The author tries to tell us that both are good males yet neither prove it with their actions. Parker: •threatens to *claw out qingqing’s face* as soon as he meets her if she doesn’t obey him •constantly calls qingqing stupid throughout the story, not just in the beginning, when she doesn’t understand how beastmen society works •doesn’t tell qingqing about crystals in order to keep her from seeking powerful mates. he always shows extremely controlling behavior lik
(Part three) •doesn’t tell qingqing about crystals in order to keep her from seeking powerful mates. he always shows extremely controlling behavior like this •acts childish to get qingqing to pay attention to him but swears he’s a mature male capable of caring for a female Curtis: •abducted qingqing and forces her to live with him in conditions not suitable for females. he understands these conditions are bad for her but still keeps her with him •only released qingqing after realizing she was in immediate mortal danger but *forced* her to become his mate by undressing her and painfully biting her •rxpes qingqing after she says she’s terrified of the idea of becoming a breeder •forces qingqing to give birth to his children first. he’s jealous of how she chooses to spend more time with Parker than him and openly states that he doesn’t care about having children, he just wants to have children with her so shes’s forced to pay more attention to him •abuses his children. The author defends his behavior by stating Curtis is just teaching them to grow up strong but that’s not true. There’s a difference between being abusive parenting and strict parenting Both Parker and Curtis are also very rough with how they touch qingqing. more recently, Parker roughly grabs qingqing’s chest when she says she cant breastfeed and she cries out in pain. At this point parker is a triple-marked beast and still hasn’t learned to control his strength around her. Qingqing complains that both are too harsh to the point where she bleeds/scars from their touch yet neither learns. Muir/Shuu/Winston are also powerful males yet qingqing doesn’t complain when they touch her which proves that beastmen *are* capable of controlling their strength. Parker and Curtis have just failed to do so... even after living with her for a year. Point is the cast is badly written which makes the plot badly written. Lazy writing at its finest.
Ive seen you right this review but I also seen you read the book for another 3 months do tou reccommend I resd this or give it a shot?