
Review Detail of Redzeth in Custom Made Demon King

Review detail


This novel had so much potential, only for it to be poluted by anime nonesense since the author cannot think of something original. The MC has the ability to make stuff with souls, things like max increase potions. But for some reason, instead of coming up with cool original ideas, the author decided to rip off anime. One Piece and saint seiya are examples of this.

Custom Made Demon King

Dark Old Demon

Liked by 7 people




copying something that already exists is better than making something completely from scratch because 1. incase of an emergency he can quickly make it 2. it will have the desired effect and won't let him down or desert him 3. it costs less time and effort


Yeah but the author does a real good job at intergrating the various worlds with the original demon/angel society. E.G. Samael is more powerful than Michael in this world but in that one it is the other way around, the reason? They made a bunch of clones to farm souls faster which developed self awareness not wanting to fuse with the original


I’d agree if this was a fanfic. But it’s not. Author concsiously went the original route only to add fanfic stuff later while selling it as an original.

Alt_McAlt:copying something that already exists is better than making something completely from scratch because 1. incase of an emergency he can quickly make it 2. it will have the desired effect and won't let him down or desert him 3. it costs less time and effort