
Review Detail of PowerArmorGuy in Armipotent

Review detail


Based from reading until Chapter #124 Not really good at writing reviews but I will list some pros the novel has that will interest some like my self. - Isn't another mage actually invests in stats that don't make a him a glass cannon - Heavy weapon user we don't get that often - Works to gain his strength - Ruthless/ not naive - Pretty decent morals not a degenerate - A pretty regular release rate - Story progresses at a decent pace and isn't filled with filler or dragged out chapters like other novels I've read on here - Zombie apocalypse world setting always like that I don't really like a lot of the novels on here but this is basically the reason why I logon to this site everyday to see if it has a new chapter. Recommend it highly and keep up the good work Author:HotIce really looking forward to the next chapters




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