
Review Detail of Kiiara in Mr. Moon Rabbit, I'm Not Yours!

Review detail


I would gladly give away five stars for this book. I always felt skeptical whenever I started reading a new book, albeit the amazing cover or a nicely-written synopsis. And especially not for the reviews ‘cos most of the times, they’re misleading. But, this book is really worth to read. As fellow writers, I have to say, you definitely wrote better than me. You have better diction for sure. I also love the smooth transition and all the natural conversations in the story. That being said, I’m fond of your character building. Man, your story is so well-written to the point that I didn’t realize when I hit the end of the chapter. Keep up the good work, Author! Don’t let usagi-kun down! 🐰


Mr. Moon Rabbit, I'm Not Yours!


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