honestly, the story is not bad, but many things I don't like about this story, like the fact that you can literally read chapter 1 and skip straight to chapter 4, which won't make any difference, since chapter two doesn't it makes a difference to me so far, maybe that will change in the future, but chapter 2 is very little explained because it shows a situation, but it explains nothing. here comes chapter 3, the normal thing would be chapter 3 to explain what happened in chapter 2, but this chapter has nothing to do with the previous chapters, the feeling I have and that I am reading a different story for each chapter, honestly, but if the story improves this problem in the next chapters, I will give it a better grade, but I highly doubt that you will continue reading this story with these 4 chapters. I lost all desire to continue reading this story, but no and it's bad. I just think the story was boring.
Liked it!
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