Please.... YOU MUST CONTINUE your beautiful novel. I wany to give you 2 power stones but it can't be sent. I have read chapter 1 and there is no reason I will not not continue reading your novel. Your good novel was underrated. Please continue. Keep writing, Author...
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LIKEthe idea of the story is good however what I think shows immaturity and make the novel to be boring is the way the female character is. the fantasy of describing her as a virgin Mary, scared of having intercorse and fridge is too boring. having a fiancé and had never even kissed!! unrealistic. not wonted to have *** with her husband and discibing it as a 'marital imposed situation' and not as normal act between too people together . I guess the author is very inexperiente and immature as the author cannot even describe the intimacy moments they have to help to spicy up the story and show the growing intimacy and love between them. instead the author insist in showing the character as a fridge woman. unfortunately her husband is sexual driven, handsome and no marriage will survive for long if the other part is fridge. I guess the author doesn't have the life experience and think that two people will still be together because they are wearing couples clothes, a pair of cups with little fishes on it. indeed very childish.