
Review Detail of biblio1011 in My Husband is My Professor and Boss

Review detail


This is absolutely a great and interesting plot, but the flashback is so long it should just be the first part of the book instead of a flashback. An editor would do a lot of good as well; many people have offered to edit the story in the comments I saw. The story is understandable, but would be more enjoyable and easier to read if it was looked over by another person who might also be able to help the author improve their English for the future. Finally, there really hasn't been much character development or depth to the characters at all. The ML is cold and unlikeable, the FL is suppose to be 18 but seems to have the mentality of a 12 year old, and the FL's mother doesn't really seem to care for the FL as much as her son. I might come back to this in the future, but I'll be dropping it for now. I do like the general plot but the story overall could use some work in my opinion. Good luck with your writing!


My Husband is My Professor and Boss


Liked by 2 people




You get me. I see all of these good comments and I'm like "Are we reading the same thing?"