Great story as of chapter 104, the only things I could possibly hold against it would be a few typos here and there (though it does not take away from the writing quality or the immersion, which is why I still put it at 5 stars) and how early story progression may come off as monotonous or mundane, but in light of that you'd find out that where the story may seem slow its actually fleshing out characters and building a structure for the world that presents itself allowing for actions and events that take place to feel more natural and hold more value. And with that being said those might be the only perceived cons of the story imo, where its at as of now, things are really starting to take off and going with the flow of the authors other novel as thats where his writing truly shines allowing him to take off from 0 to 100 pretty quick without it feeling unnatural. There's a unique system of magic in this world that is pretty interesting once first mentioned but becomes more so once fully explored, the characters are fleshed out well and have great dialog exchanges when the chance presents itself, world building is the basis for a good few chapters initially and paints a comprehensive picture presently (though it is in its incubation phase). All in all a great work from a great author.
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