
Review Detail of Universe414 in The Magician of Sound

Review detail


Barely finished the first chapter. Earth was slaughtered to around 5% of its population ok yeah fine, but 200 years later they still roughly the same number like WTF are they doing for 200 years, technology has made like no advancements and they consider sound magic useless. If you were in an apocalypse wouldn’t you try to exploit literally every single magic for all that it’s worth, and even then sound magic would be considered godly as all these magic beasts have evolved to become bigger, stronger with more obvious weaknesses. All creatures with ears are weak to loud noises, just have any sound mage scream and enhance his voice and voila all the enemies have burst eardrums or are stunned. And there a very obvious use of sound magic. This novel makes no attempt to even address any of the problems it brings up. I would be fine if it was like “yeah we have spaceship, do you need to know how it works. no”, but they tried to get serious and explain how the spaceship works and whiffed really hard. All of this is in the first chapter alone. Can’t imagine what the rest of the story is like.


The Magician of Sound


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