
Review Detail of TheCityCouncil in The Magician of Sound

Review detail


Interesting read, I’ve read all the free chapters so my review doesn’t account for later chapters. Despite the problems I point out in this review it’s good enough to have kept me reading, and better than many other originals. Author seems to post reliably and frequently. A few writing issues, especially early on, but it gets better and probably improves even more after premium. Writing is easy to understand and follow. The world and setting is pretty good. Although some things occasionally don’t make sense, it doesn’t detract from the reading experience. The rushed plot and immediate jump to talking about marriage after the first meeting is unfortunate as there is a lost opportunity for actual romance, friendship and plausible levels of trust between characters to develop naturally. Best character so far is the teacher as they actually have some life/death experiences and build up some trust without everyone joking about them getting married. Hopefully this improves later on. Something odd is that polygamy is encouraged (to the extreme) by authorities and all parents, yet none of the parents seem to practice what they preach. Honestly not a big deal though as they are just side characters... I started reading this because i was intrigued by the idea of sound magic. While there were some good uses of it (echolocation, oscillating shield, combo with water and ice to create spikes) it mainly ends up being used to know where enemies are and predict their moves. Magic, while important, is not the center of this story to me, it’s more of a prop in relatively decent high school harem story. Give it a go if magical high school harem is your cup of tea. 😄


The Magician of Sound


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Thank you for the review. I will continue to improve myself. Have a great day. :)