I am passionate about reading a story, with a plot that I have personally experienced, which is why I identify with the work ... And of course one asks the same question: What did he do to deserve this? Any answer, no matter how true, will not change the future ... at least not very soon. Who was that masked man? There are hidden enemies, circumstantial, "by indirect business", perhaps our friendships are not so healthy or innocent or integral. What is the relationship with Mr. Robert (the one murdered in his apartment) None ... And why did he kill him? He is not my sport, nor commission ... nor do I have the slightest idea ... Would you think of escaping? That would make things worse, and in these systems, it would add more misdemeanors and another trial, more years in jail ... Remember justice takes time but reaches it ... Good advice ... even if it lasts 100 years and the body cannot resist it ... I conclude, after reading 3 chapters, with the lawyer's question and answer: Lawyer: So you are innocent and you are being framed ...? I recommend you admit your case for a lighter sentence. Finally, the innocent existential question: What have I done to be in this problem? Being at the wrong time, place ... How to know the intentions of others against us ?. I invite you to read a good and detailed description of the scenes, character, thoughts of the character ... an experienceable story.
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